
Being one of the most senior python developers at work means I often get flack for pythons versioning practices.

“Why does python have to reinvent the wheel every few years.”


> How do I install a package in python?
< You use pip.
> What is pip?
< Its the Python Package Manager.
> How do I get pip?
< Install it using easy_install.
> What is easy_install?
< A python package manager.

Jokes like these come up constantly as superficial pokes at python’s package ecosystem.

But beyond the superficial laughs, there are some deeper problems with pip. At work we have had serious problems delivering non python files that a dependnency relied on across local development, CI, and server deployments. We have issues agreeing on where a dependincies requirements should live:

  • requirements.txt
  • setup.py:install_requires
  • requirements directory with a dev.txt, common.txt, or prod.txt
  • pip freeze > requirements.txt

Each of these have their pluses and minuses. requirements.txt has basically become an accepted standard amongst the python community. However inside it makes no differentiation between install and development dependencies. You have some safety when you use pip freeze > requirements.txt in that everything is pinned to the version you have running; however removing dependencies becomes a mess.

Using setup.py and install_requires and extra_requires is a nice touch, but that involves using setuptools and figuring out python paths and letting developers know how to set it up. It is definitely tools setup for distribution not for development, and requires the most hacks to get into a comfortable and stable place for package management.

I have used the requirements directory a lot before. Being full stack and bouncing between npm and pip, I really like the concept of dev dependencies. Having a requirements/common.txt that has a projects base requirements, and a requirements/dev.txt that looks like:

-r requirements/common.txt

to allow me to independnently change the requirements for common and dev is a really nice pattern. However in involves a lot of explaining to devs what is going on.

Enter Pipenv

When I heard that python had another package management tool I internally groaned knowing that the python packaging jokes would start to fly again. However after checking out pipenv, it certainly did a lot of bragging.

The Features:

Included virtualenv

I loved virtualenvwrapper. The workon command has saved me so much time and hassle. It is a bit of pain to setup and get new developers running on, but the ease after that initial work is unmatched. The idea was to make it super easy to get into your virtualenv, install your packages and run.

pipenv takes a different approach. Since the package manager is handling the virtualenv for you, you dont need to enter it unless you absolutely need to. pipenv allows you to run commands as if you were inside of your virtualenv, allowing it to handle all of the context switching for you.

It is also smart and if you are python 3.4+ it will automatically use venv the builtin virtualenv. Or if one already exists, it will continue to use that.

Pipfile and Pipfile.lock

The pipfile is a beautiful format when compared against requirements.txt. It is not meant to be a flat list of requirements, instead it behaves closer to an ini file with sections and parameters.

The example from their website:

url = "https://pypi.python.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

requests = "*"

pytest = "*"

This Pipfile allows us to define packages and dev packages, specifiy that the versions are unpinned. It is nice a readable, clearly sectioned off, and very self explanatory. When installing a new package with pipenv install package, it will automatically save your new package to [packages]. If you want to save it to [dev-packages] add the --dev flag to your install. Note, it will only add the package you specified to the Pipfile, not all of its depenencies. This means if you remove it, it can easily remove all the orphaned packages as well, keeping your requirements as lean as possible.

The Pipfile.lock allows us to go from general packages to pinned packages and their dependencies. It is a large json structure specifying platform information, versions, dependency versions, and sha256 hashes of resolved dependencies.

Specific Versions of python

If you specify a version in your Pipfile like so,

python_version = "3.6"

pipenv will try to ensure that python version is installed in the virtualenv it will create. If you ahve pyenv installed, it will automatically install that version of python and use it.

Environment Configuration

pipenv automatically honors a .env file. Inside this, you can set a list of environment variables and their values. When running your application using pipenv, pipenv will load these environment variables before executing. This makes it very easy to follow a 12 factor app pattern of keeping your apps environment agnostic, and instead loading in environment specific configuration via ENV VARS. With pipenv, you specify your environment specific configuration in the .env file for local development, keep it out of source control, and now your app has no need to have separate config files for separate environments.

Easy Shell Access

Like mentioned before, pipenv offers the pipenv run command that allows you to run a command from outside of the virtualenv as if you were inside it. It also loads the .env environment variables before running. If you want more access, you can run pipenv shell, which opens a new shell inside of your virtualenv with the environment variables loaded.

Easy Migration

If you are on osx, I highly suggest installing via brew install pipenv as it provides a sandboxed area for pipenv to play and if you have done brew install pyenv, they play well together that way. If not, windows is a first class citizen, and pip install pipenv --user is also perfectly acceptable way to install it. After install, it can easily migrate your requirements.txt to a Pipfile and reuse your current virtualenv.


Overall I think pipenv is a giant step in the right direction. It doesnt solve some of the problems that pip has like nonpython distribution, however for the majority case, it solves most of the big pain-points we experience from python packaging. I am just not looking forward to:

> How do I install a python package?
< Use Pipenv
> What is pipenv?
< A package and environment manager for python
> How do i get pipenv?
< Use pip.
> What is pip?
< A python package manager
> How do I get pip?
< Use easy_install
> What is easy install
< A python package manager.